中文摘要 |
Joining Hands programs between Industry and Academia (hereafter short as JIA) have been recently highly promoted in the Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) system here in Taiwan. Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology (THIT), being near National Science-Based Industry Park, has the privilege to be included in the first stage of this program.Together with a local high school, THIT has formed a strategic alliance with United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), one of the leading global IC foundry groups. This formation, aiming at providing qualified engineering candidates through vertical integrative education, has brought generally satisfactory result for three parties, though further effect remains to be seen. This innovative collaboration framework will be examined from perspectives of learning organization theory and theoretical foundations of competency development.產學攜手計劃為台灣技職教育最新的創舉,其目的在於結合產業人才需求和技職教育體系職能發展計劃,並整合自高職(中)到技專端的垂直整合規劃,是一個三贏的產業合作創新機制。本論文以大華技術學院和竹科高科技產業代表聯華電子的產學合作為例,以學習系統理論與策略聯盟架構分析此一產學攜手計劃的特色,並根據分析所得,提出政策意涵的建議與策略行動。 |