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A Case Study of the Impact of the Elementary School Student Teacher's Interpersonal Interaction on the Development of Mathematical Pedagogical Content Knowledge
作者 陳國泰
The study investigated what pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of mathematics the elementary school student teacher got from her interpersonal interaction, and explored the influence of her interpersonal interaction upon the development of PCK. Qualitative research method was used for case study. Data were collected by naturalistic observations, interviews, and documentary analysis. Following results were found: 1. The contents of PCK of the case included primarily following: knowledge of teaching objectives, knowledge of content, knowledge of learners', and knowledge of general pedagogy. 2. The influence of the student teacher's interpersonal interaction upon the development of PCK were elaborated in terms of 4 points as follows: (1) The interpersonal interaction enrich the PCK of student teacher's. (2) The factors affect the student teacher's development of PCK including the mentor, students, other teachers, other student teachers, and the professor of university. (3) The interpersonal interaction developed the student teacher's PCK through the student teacher's reflection. (4) The PCK of the student teacher got from interpersonal interaction developed other PCK.
起訖頁 047-076
關鍵詞 國小實習學生人際互動歷程數學學科教學知識知識發展Elementary schoolStudent teacherInterpersonal interactionPedagogical content knowledgeDevelopment of knowledge
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 200712 (12期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 高職學校本位課程校長課程領導能力研究--以高職校長觀點為例
該期刊-下一篇 從心開始:斯泰納對心靈世界的觀點及其啟示




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