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Success Factors and Gender Issues of Eminent Women in Science
作者 吳淑敏
The purpose of this study was to explore the success factors and gender issues of eminent women in science. In-depth interview was used to acquire rich data from seven eminent women in Taiwan who are professors or researchers in science. A semi-structured outline was used to serve as a reminder or guide to the researcher during interviewing. Their success factors and gender issues in their professional fields were analyzed. The major finding was that the career development of these seven eminent women in science appeared to be affected by significant others, unique personalities, family support and environment factors. Significant others often meant parents and teachers. Personalities indicated being creative, determined, motivated, energetic, independent, enjoying works, and persistent in their fields. As for family support, parents were the important support of the subjects. In addition to their parents, for those who were married, they were encouraged by their husbands in academic work, no matter what research fields the husbands were in. On their career, they had a lot of positive interactions with their peers and appreciation or promotion from their higher-up. All of these factors made these female scientists pioneers in specific academic fields.
起訖頁 019-046
關鍵詞 傑出女性女性科學家成功因素性別議題Eminent womanFemale scientistSuccess factorGender issue
刊名 資優教育研究  
期數 200806 (8:1期)
出版單位 中華資優教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 家庭對數理資優者創造性與生產性成就表現影響之探究
該期刊-下一篇 國一資優生對因倍數問題的解題分析




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