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並列篇名 |
A Study of the Effects of the Enrichment Creative Teaching Program on Primary School Students |
作者 |
張昇鵬 |
中文摘要 |
本研究主要目的在探討寒假短期之充實性創造教學方案,對於國小高年級學生不同組別(實驗組與控制組)、和不同性別學生創造力的學習成效;並比較不同年級的男、女學生創造力的差異情形;與接受充實性創造教學方案後不同組別男、女學生學業成就之差異情形;進一步了解國小學生,創造思考能力與學業成就之相關性。本研究以「威廉斯創造力測驗」與「學業成就」為研究工具,採「不等組前測-後測」準實驗設計,進行寒假短期充實性創造教學方案的實驗研究。主要利用二因子多變項變異數分析、二因子多變項共變數分析與典型相關進行考驗。研究結果顯示如下: 1.不同年級的男、女學生創造能力沒有交互作用;女生的創造能力表現與男生沒有差異;不同年級的學生創造能力沒有差異。 2.在實驗成效上,性別與不同組別(實驗組與控制組)之間沒有交互作用,將前測成績等共變項之影響排除後,顯示男女之間並無差異;實驗組與控制組之間的差異也未達顯著水準。 3.接受充實性創造教學方案後,不同組別的男、女學生在國語、自然與數學等學業成就沒有交互作用;女生與男生的國語、自然與數學等學業成就沒有顯著差異;不同組別(實驗組與控制組)的學生國語、自然與數學等學業成就沒有顯著差異。 4.創造能力與學業成就無典型相關存在。本研究除對研究結果加以討論外,研究者並提出充實性創造教學方案的改進建議,與進一步之研究建議,以作為創造思考能力教學與研究之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
The purposes of this study were to analyze an experimental teaching with enrichment creative program for primary school students and to examine the discrepancies in students' creative ability and academic achievement. This study used "Creativity Assessment Packet (CAP) " and "academic achievement" as tools and adopted nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design in quasi-experimental research. Subjects were 68 elementary school students in fifth and sixth grade. Two-way multivariate analysis of variance was applied to analyze the discrepancies in creative ability and academic achievement, as well as the effects of the enrichment creative teaching program on primary school students.The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.There is no difference in performance of creativity between female students and male students in different grades, and also between different grades or sex of the students. 2.The implementation of the enrichment creative teaching program failed to stimulate gifted students' creatively as well as their learning effectiveness. 3.The enrichment creative teaching program had exercised not much influence on students' academic achievement.4.Canonical Correlation did not exist between creative ability and academic achievement.Further discussion was made on the basis of the above findings while some suggestions on the enrichment creative teaching program and future research were offered. |
起訖頁 |
001-023 |
關鍵詞 |
充實性創造教學方案、學業成就、Academic achievement、Enrichment creative teaching program |
刊名 |
資優教育研究 |
期數 |
200612 (6:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
國小資優班教師在職進修之需求評估 |