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Study of the Factors Affecting the Scientific Creativity of High School Freshmen
作者 陳振明 (Chen-Ming Chen)
本研究是以近年來創造力研究取向中兼顧個人、環境與文化等各種因素的「匯合取向」(confluence approaches)理論為基礎建構探究模式與發展工具,並以線性結構方程模式(structural equation model, SEM)為分析方法,深入探討在科學範疇中的創造力。本研究方法為因果比較研究法,以影響科學創造力的環境、個人特質與知識等因素作為自變項,科學創造力測驗與科展作品成績的表現作為依變項,提出影響高一學生科學創造力線性結構方程模式並對此模式進行適合度評鑑,最後針對研究結果進行討論,提出建議。研究結果顯示:不同科學創造作品表現的高一學生在影響科學創造力的因素之得分有顯著的差異,但關聯程度不大。影響高一學生科學創造力線性結構方程模式適配度評鑑結果大致尚佳,可用以說明影響高一學生科學創造力變項間的關係,其中「環境」、「科學知識」、「科學創造力測驗」對「科學創造產品表現」有較強且達顯著的直接效果存在。
The test instruments and a theoretical model developed in this research were in accordance with the perspective of the confluence approaches to creativity, and in particular, the systems model, which emphasizes the interaction of individuals, domain, and field as subsystems. The structural equation model (SEM) was then applied to evaluate the goodness of fit of the proposed model in relation to scientific creativity of high school freshmen. The research method is casual-comparative research, with environment, personal attributes, and scientific knowledge as independent variables, and performances in the Scientific Creativity Test and scientific exhibit competition as dependent variables. The results demonstrated that Significant differences existed in the questionnaire scores among high school students with varying degrees of proficiency in scientific exhibit competition, although their associations were small. In addition, a confirmatory factor analysis model testing the factors influencing scientific creativity of high school freshmen provided adequate fit.
起訖頁 063-081
關鍵詞 創造力科學創造力線性結構方程模式CreativityScientific creativityStructural equation modelSEM
刊名 資優教育研究  
期數 200512 (5:2期)
出版單位 中華資優教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 隱喻模式應用於國中資優生批判思考教學成效之研究
該期刊-下一篇 創造性問題解決教學方案對資優學生創造力及問題解決能力影響之研究




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