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Micropolitical Analysis of TeacherInteractions: Beginning Teachers as anExample
作者 林奕成
Through the scope of micropolitics, this study investigated interactions betweenbeginning teachers and other teachers with a focus on their ideological discrepancies andcompetitions of interest and further analyzed the micropolitical strategies adopted bybeginning teachers in their interactions with other teachers. Based on the qualitative researchmethod, in-depth interviews with five elementary school teachers in urban areas of northernTaiwan were conducted. Through the micropolitical approach, this study clearly dissectedteacher interactions to derive the following conclusions: (1) different strategies are needed toaddress ideological discrepancies between bureaucracies and teaching professionalism inteacher interactions; (2) ideological conflicts occur between beginning teachers who tend tobe more student-centered and senior teachers who tend to be more teacher-centered and willcompel both sides to adopt different strategies in their interactions; (3) competition ofinterest between beginning teachers and administrative staff occurs mainly over classscheduling, and both sides adopt different micropolitical strategies to cope with thecompetition; (4) in a resource-limited and seniority-prioritized context, beginning teachersand senior teachers adopt different strategies in competition of interest; (5) beginningteachers can take advantages of public negotiation to voice their opinions, andover-compliance may only let a history repeats itself and become a part of school culture.
起訖頁 113-157
關鍵詞 教師互動初任教師微觀政治teacher interactionbeginning teachermicropolitics
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201109 (27期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 從美猴王到齊天大聖:災區學校中層管理人角色認同的形塑
該期刊-下一篇 高學業成就原住民高中生學習現況之研究




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