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The Realization of Educational Ideas and Practice of College Students Participating in Reading-Guidance Program in Service-Learning Curriculum for the Disadvantaged Children
作者 徐碧君
本研究旨在探討大學幼兒教育學系學生參與服務學習進行弱勢學童閱讀輔導之歷\r程,對於幼教系學生之影響。採調查研究法,並立意取樣研究對象共 30 位。研究發現,\r專業知能融入服務學習不但會影響幼教系學生對於教育工作及未來工作規劃的看法,且多數參與弱勢學童輔導服務學習之學生皆具良好的服務學習態度、意願與成效。學生參與服務學習過程中,知覺偏鄉地區弱勢學童對於服務學習之回饋非常良好,對於教育工作、未來工作規劃看法、參與服務學習的態度、意願與成效及知覺弱勢學童對於閱讀輔導的回饋,會因為性別、年級、社團及志工經驗而存在顯著差異。多數幼教系學生參與弱勢學童閱讀輔導不但能產生正向的省悟,對教育工作、工作規劃的看法、服務學習的態度、意願、成效及知覺弱勢學童回饋之間的感受亦存在顯著正相關。最後本研究根據研究結果提出適切建議,供未來大學規劃結合科系專長服務學習課程之參考。
This study aims to explore whether the participation of college students of Early Childhood Education in reading-guidance program in service-learning curriculum for the disadvantaged children is helpful for the formation of their vision as well as ideal and practice of education. Besides, this study goes further into the question that if this kind of courses can really arouse students’ inner reflection and influence their belief of entering into the education-related fields in the future. The study results are as follow: On one hand, the immersion of professional knowledge and skills with service-learning curriculum can influence the perspectives of students of Early Childhood Education toward educational work and future planning of career; on the other hand, most students with experience of joining the reading-guidance program in service-learning curriculum for the disadvantaged children have good attitude, willingness and learning outcome. Students in the process of service learning perceive that the feedback of the disadvantaged children in remote area on service-learning curriculum is very good. There is significant difference in aspects of students’ perspectives toward educational work and future planning of career, attitude, willingness and learning outcome in service-learning curriculum, and the perception of the feedback of the disadvantaged children on service-learning curriculum due to variables of sex, grade, student club, and experience as a volunteer. The participation of most students of Early Childhood Education in the reading-guidance program of service-learning curriculum for the disadvantaged children can generate more positive thinking; besides, there is significant positive correlation among aspects of students’ perspectives toward educational work and future planning of career, attitude, willingness and learning outcome in service-learning curriculum, and the perception of the feedback of the disadvantaged children on service-learning curriculum. In the end, based on the results of this study, some constructive suggestions are proposed for future college’s planning of combination of student’s major with the service-learning curriculum.
起訖頁 045-068
關鍵詞 服務學習閱讀教育弱勢學生輔導service-learningreading educationguidance for disadvantaged children
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201208 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 家庭語文環境與幼兒接收性詞彙的表現
該期刊-下一篇 醫療專業人員對特殊需求幼兒入小學普通班準備能力看法之初探性研究




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