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The Study of Maternal Beliefs and Behavior about Children’s Mathematics
作者 孫麗卿簡碧嬅
為了了解母親的數學信念與行為,本研究採多元質性研究法以訪談及問卷來蒐集\r三位母親關於幼兒數學發展歷程信念、數學發展年齡信念和數學成功歸因,以及利用訪談和觀察方式來蒐集母親在與孩子進行數學活動時的口述行為與實際行為之資料。經由資料分析,本研究有幾個重要的發現:(1) 母親評估孩子的發展年齡之準確度只有一半\r或更少,且有兩位母親錯估的部份是早估孩子的能力;(2)不同發展歷程信念的母親對於成功歸因和評估年齡有差異:持成熟觀的 A 母親有晚估傾向且歸因平均在四個因素\r上;持學習觀的 B 母親有早估的傾向且重視家庭教育;建構觀的 C 母親認為孩子天生能\r力是影響數學成功的最主要因素且有早估孩子能力的傾向;(3)A 與 B 母親的口述行為與觀察行為有一致性,但 C 母親在口述與觀察行為上有明顯差異性;(4) 不是所有的信念\r都會影響母親的行為;(5)母親的發展歷程信念和口述行為之間相關性比信念與觀察行為間來得高。
The purpose of the study is to understand maternal beliefs and behaviors about young children’s mathematics development. To collect the information and data of mothers’ beliefs and behavior, the multiple qualitative research methods were used. The methods include questionnaire, interview and observation. The results show: (1) Only half of the items which mothers estimate age are as same as standard. Most mothers overestimate their children’s mathematics ability. (2) Mothers who have different beliefs about the process of mathematic development have different mathematic developmental milestone and successful attribution. For example, A mother who has maturational beliefs tends to underestimate her children’s ability and attribute equally to four factors of mathematics success. B mother who has learning beliefs tends to overestimate her child’s ability and attributes child’s mathematic success to family education. C mother who has constructive beliefs tends to overestimate child’s ability and attributes mathematic success to child’s inborn ability. (3) A and B mothers’ oral behavior and observed behavior are consistent but there are some discrepancy between C mother’s these two behaviors. (4)Only some beliefs would influence behavior. (5) Mothers’ developmental beliefs are more consistent with their oral behavior than their observed behavior.
起訖頁 059-076
關鍵詞 母親信念數學發展信念母親教導行為數學成功歸因maternal beliefsmathematic developmental beliefsmaternal teaching behaviorattributions for mathematic success
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 201107 (22期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 幼稚園評鑑訪視委員遴選條件之探究
該期刊-下一篇 臺中教育大學幼教系學生參與荳荳劇場之能力提昇與態度調查研究




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