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Investigating the Development of the Southern Huayan School in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, from Cangxue Duche's Nanlaitang shiji
作者 廖肇亨
晚明清初的佛教界,不僅是擅長詩文藝術的詩僧、畫僧人才輩出,而且是「前代多高僧,亦多詩僧。詩僧不必皆高,而高僧往往能詩」。尤有甚者,其能詩聲名太高,大家反而忘卻其僧人角色,蒼雪讀徹 (1588-1656) 就是個最出名的例子。蒼雪讀徹詩格之高,連當時詩壇領袖吳梅村 (1609-1672)、王士禎 (1634-1711) 都稱羨不已。甚至說蒼雪讀徹不只是「僧中第一」,更是「詩中第一」。
Cangxue Duche was a famous poet-monk of the late Ming period. His poetry style was so eminent that Wu Meicun and Wang Shizhen, the two leading poets of that time, expressed their own great admiration for his poetry. Wu Meicun said Cangxue Duche was 'the greatest poet among monks' and even 'the greatest among poets'. However, in addition to his great reputation as a poet, Cangxue Duche was also a 'fully realized monk'. He had left his home-life as a pure youth, held precepts firmly, and devoted himself to expounding Buddhist sutras. Even his death was because of his overexertion when preaching Śūraṅgama sūtra in Longchang Temple on Mount Baohua. That preaching trip was the result of Jianyue Duti's invitation.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 明末清初蒼雪讀徹詩僧華嚴學賢首宗the late Ming and early QingCangxue Duchepoet-monkHuayan teachingsXianshou school
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201503 (46期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-下一篇 翻譯「教師」——日系教育小說中受到雙重文化影響的教師典範




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