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客家公共事務學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Research on the Conformation and Network Interaction of the Hakka Community Developing Associations in the Southern Taoyuan County
Based on the theories of community development and social network, the research will analyze how the government, community developing associations, and the inhabitants promote Hakka culture with the limitation of resources and finances while developing Hakka communities in the southern Taoyuan County. Through social network survey, and in-depth interviews with the association staffs from selective Hakka featured communities, the research hopes to structure how Hakka community development and network are arranged and promoted. The research also found that among the Hakka community developing associations in the southern Taoyuan County, the ones that play to the core, as well as the media, are mostly the leading and guiding communities in the whole Taoyuan County. These associations are rather active and aggressive when bringing Hakka elements into local events, making themselves distinctive from other communities. Meanwhile, sometimes the position of the association chairman is taken up by the head of the local village, leading the relationship between the associations and local communities to an either competitive or cooperative one. As to promoting Hakka culture, the associations gather the inhabitants' ideas mainly with innovative theme activities that include Hakka features and significations, thus to show the effects and influences brought by the Hakka community developing associations to the local communities.
起訖頁 39-65
關鍵詞 社區發展協會社會網絡客家社區組織型態community developing associationsocial networkHakka communityconformation
刊名 客家公共事務學報  
期數 201111 (4期)
出版單位 國立中央大學客家學院
該期刊-上一篇 美學經濟之文化脈絡析探:以客家女性企業家為例
該期刊-下一篇 從政策工具觀點分析客家產業輔導政策




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