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Image Narration and Cultural Representation in Hakka Photojournalism
本文探討客家新聞圖像中的影像敘事及其對客家的文化再現,以了解客家新聞經由新聞圖像所形成的客家論述。本研究蒐集2010年8月至2011年7月的Yahoo!奇摩新聞與Google新聞,運用A. J. Greimas的符號矩形分析(semiotic square)進行研究,探討客家新聞的圖像敘事及其呈現的結構意義。客家新聞圖像分成十一類:客家美食、客家空間聚落、客家節慶、客家桐花祭、客家音樂戲劇、客家休閒產業、客家學術活動、客家語言、客家政治、客家藝文及全國客家日(天穿日)。針對各類新聞圖像逐一分析它們的符號矩形結構,並進一步闡述其中的論述意涵。研究發現客家新聞影像同時呈現傳統敘事及現代創新敘事,傾向於再現揉雜風格的文化型態,也同時蘊含了更複雜的認同建構問題。
This paper investigates image narration and cultural representation in Hakka photojournalism, the main focus of study is on discourses of pictures in Hakka news. News pictures collected from two websites, Yahoo! News and Google News (Aug., 2010-Jul., 2011). By using Greimas' semiotic square, this study intends to analyze the meaning structures of Hakka images in photojournalism, and to reveal the discourses of Hakka ethnic group and culture in news coverage. In this study, Hakka photojournalism included 11 categories: Hakka cuisine, Hakka living environment, Hakka festivals, Hakka Tung Blossom Festival, Hakka music and drama, Hakka leisure and tourism industry, Hakka academic activities, Hakka language, Hakka politics, Hakka arts and literature, National Hakka Day (Sky Mending Day). Semiotic square analysis was conducted for each one of these categories and then followed by discourse analysis for all semiotic squares. The results are as follows. Tradition narration combined with modern narration in most Hakka photojournalism which represent a style of hybrid culture and imply a more complex identity construction.
起訖頁 87-126
關鍵詞 文化再現客家客家形象新聞圖像影像敘事cultural representationHakkaHakka imagephotojournalismimage narration
刊名 客家公共事務學報  
期數 201105 (3期)
出版單位 國立中央大學客家學院
該期刊-上一篇 台灣客家電視台精緻戲曲《戲棚戲》之探討




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