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客家公共事務學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Exploration of the Hakka Exquisite Drama on Hakka TV Station
This article applies the drama theories on "theatricality" and "adaptation," and TV's "visual culture" in cultural studies to explore "Drama behind Theatre Curtain" in the Hakka Exquisite Drama on Hakka TV station. The theme is to explore how to transform the folklore legends of Chung Kuei and the Gate Gods into the scripts, compare the adaptation of the scripts, and examine the theatrical representation of the drama on TV media. To emphasize on the two points: 1. how the traditional drama represents on modern TV? 2. The fiction of the artistic performance reflects the reality of history shown on TV images. In the beginning of the twentieth first century, under the leadership of Council for Hakka Affairs, Hakka Opera has combined TV and Internet communication to open a new way for developing Hakka Drama. Traditional Hakka Drama gets a new life by showing Hakka Exquisite Drama on TV media. This essay explores, after the competition selection by Hakka TV station, the Hakka Exquisite Opera "Drama behind Theatre Curtain." It is the big production of Rom Shing Hakka Opera Troupe in 2006. The whole drama series use the structure of play-within-the-play to package the four folk popular scripts. This research chooses "The Ghosts King Chung Kuei" (premiered 2006) and "The Gate Gods: Chin, Shu-Bao and Wei, Chih-Kung" (premiered 2006) as the two case studies. From the perspective of TV as media communication culture to examine how TV modern technology represents these old stories about ghosts and Gods adapted by theatricality to have a metaphor on the universal pursuit for justice.
起訖頁 67-86
關鍵詞 再現改編客家電視台客家精緻戲曲《戲棚戲》劇場性representationadaptationHakka TV stationHakka exquisite dramatheatricality
刊名 客家公共事務學報  
期數 201105 (3期)
出版單位 國立中央大學客家學院
該期刊-上一篇 台灣客家族群文化權的經驗性調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 客家新聞圖像敘事及文化再現之探討




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