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Taste, Body, Labor and Passion: The Discourse and Critique of Hakka Women's Cultural Dispositions
In many Hakka cultural discourses, the Hakka women's endurance , thriftness and industriousness were their virtues par excellence and so can be deemed as the Hakka women's culture character. However, when "virtues par excellence" became one kind of ideology, the oppression of social institution and cultural symbolism will be rationalized and the Hakka women cannot but console oneself with that ideological construction. Puts aside "virtues par excellence", what are Hakka women's more realistic cultural dispositions? And how do these cultural dispositions be shaped? This research attempts to carry on an in-depth exploration from the cultural-psychoanalytic point of view, an attempt to uncover the possible correlations between a basic corporeal experience, that is, taste, and Hakkas women's body, labor, passion from Hakka diet characteristics - "saltiness". The research method are constructed by demonstration and verbal text analysis. This research proposes the following arguments: Speaking of the Hakka women, the sense of "salty" experiences raise body "contraction" and "resistance" feeling, and make the preservation of all goods and the hard-working habit their cultural disposition - thriftiness(contracted feeling in material), endurance and industriousness (the ability to resist external oppression), and the constraining of passion (contracted feeling in individual desire). But when we said the cultural disposition as "salty-received", it means suffer must be taken with hardship. Behind "virtues par excellence " of sacrificial suffering, the Hakka women possibly had accepted some distortion of cultural disposition - conservative and tasteless cultural disposition, as well as the cultural disposition of insisted masochism. These distortions of cultural disposition responded precisely the oppression from the socio-culture system per se. Only when the individuals are able to be aware that "virtues par excellence" may as well be the social mental illness, and be able to tell the difference of surrender and masochism, can they develop their own agency of life, and find the further possibility of freedom. And then, the new culture disposition would be under construction by Hakka women themselves.
起訖頁 91-120
關鍵詞 客家女性味覺文化性格受虐Hakka womentastesaltinesscultural dispositionmasochism
刊名 客家公共事務學報  
期數 201007 (1期)
出版單位 國立中央大學客家學院
該期刊-上一篇 客家電視新聞處理型態之析探




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