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客家公共事務學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Study of News Processing's Type of Hakka Television
This research seeks to answer this by analyzing the five-part (to anchor, to interview, to voice-over, to edit, to design screen) production process of Hakka TV News. The research utilizes in-depth interviews with senior media professionals in Taiwan, focus groups comprised of the Hakka TV News audience, and participant observation of the senior management and frontline editorial staff of the Hakka TV News. The research discovered the participants in Hakka TV News hoped to be more competitive and attractive to its audience by improving the quality of its new reporting through increased diversity and creativity from the Hakka perspective. In addition, statistical analysis of the Hakka TV News audience opinion identified five mechanisms that attracted them to the station: screen designs > edits > interviews > voicing > anchors. The research concludes that the television audience's preferences for ethnic-focused public channels require adjustment compared to their preferences for mainstream Taiwanese commercial media. Hakka TV News needs to take into account its audience's opinion through positive interaction so that it can achieve its media influence on the public.
起訖頁 55-90
關鍵詞 客家電視新聞處理公廣集團媒體近用Hakka Televisionnews processingTaiwan Broadcasting Systemaccess to the media
刊名 客家公共事務學報  
期數 201007 (1期)
出版單位 國立中央大學客家學院
該期刊-上一篇 客家文化園區政策分析:文化與產業結合的願望思維
該期刊-下一篇 「味覺、身體、勞動與情慾」:對客家女性文化性格的論述與批判




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