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The Performance of Students with Asperger Syndrome in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition (WISC-IV)
作者 吳沛璇張正芬 (Cheng-Fen Chang)
Purpose: Previous studieshave revealed a unique cognitive profile in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). In this study, we determine the intellectual performance of students with Asperger syndrome (AS), and uncover whether different qualities of cognitive performance exist between different ages of students with AS. Methods: We adopted the Chinese version of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition (WISC- Ⅳ) Chinese version to evaluate intellectual performance of students with AS. Twentyfive students with AS from 1st to 3rd grade (elementary school student group) and 7th to 9th grade (junior high school student group) were selected as the study participants, who were identified as persons with AS by hospitals and educational committees. To avoid training effect, participants were all requested not to use the WISC in the last two years. The sex ratio of participants close to that of previous investigations. Findings: This study found that (1) Although no statistically significant difference existed in the IQ scores and 14 subtest performances between the two groups of students with AS, the WISC-Ⅳ found unique cognitive patterns. Whether the students with AS was from elementary school student group or junior high school student group, their performance in the fullscale IQ was higher than the mean value. Among the 4 factor indices, students showed the best performance on the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) the weakest on the Processing Speed Index (PSI).Among the 14 subtests, the subtests in VCI have the best performance as well, whereas performance on symbol substitution and symbol search in the PSI was relatively weak. (2) In internal performance differences, significant differences showed up in the performance of students with AS on the VCI-WMI, VCI-PSI, and PRIPSI. The score gap reveals relatively large internal differences in the comparison between students without AS. For the AS group, statistically significant differences existed between the 4 factor indexes, showing inconsistent performance in the intrinsic ability of students with AS. The variation is rare in the norm. In addition, there were few students with AS showed a significant difference without consistence in the comparison of the 3 subtests and process score difference. Conclusions/Implications: This study shows that the students with AS have higher intellectual performance than normal group, particularly in VCI indices. Of the 4 factor indices, students with AS only showed a significant weakness on the PSI. Consistent results also appear in subtests. As a result, we have a better knowledge of how to design educational programs. For example, using more descriptions about new knowledge, and increasing thinking and responding time.
起訖頁 085-110
關鍵詞 亞斯柏格症智力認知組型魏氏兒童智力量表-第四版Asperger syndromeintelligencecognitive profileWechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 201207 (37:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 共享式注意力多元介入方案療效研究:三名學前中高功能自閉症男童的探究




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