臺灣社會工作學刊 Taiwanese Social Work |
201606 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 金融社會工作運用在發展性社會工作策略可行性探討 The Discuss of feasibility of Financial Social Work Apply in the Tactics of Development Social Work
- 社區銀髮志工從事志願服務活動之動機與機會研究:以長庚養生文化村為例 The Motivations and Opportunities for the Elder People's Voluntary Activities in a Community: The Case Study of Chang Gung Health and Culture Village
- 模擬案主教學方法運用於社會個案工作課程之初探:從學生自評成果來看 The research of simulated clients' teaching method applied in social casework lecture: the perspectives of students' self-evaluations
- 家庭暴力家事調解服務之經驗與策略--以台北、士林地方法院為例 The Experience and Strategy of Court-based Family Mediation in Domestic Violence Cases: Case Studies of Taipei and Shihlin District Court