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The research of simulated clients' teaching method applied in social casework lecture: the perspectives of students' self-evaluations
作者 王文娟
醫學相關科系使用標準病人(standardized patients)做為教學方法已行之多年,社會工作專業則是於近晚期開始運用此種教學方法。本文旨在探討模擬案主(simulated clients)教學方法運用於社會工作學系學生的學習效益,將參與的51位學生隨機分為10組,邀請10位社會工作實務工作者擔任模擬案主,每組透過6次的模擬演練與演練之後的團督,訓練學生同理洞察力、團隊合作與實務能力,讓學生從中認識與體會案主的個別與差異,習得社會個案工作運作過程中的多元與彈性。學生透過問卷回饋學習成效,結果發現學生對於模擬案主教學方法表示肯定,認為模擬案主教學方法能夠提供機會學習理論與實務的整合,並增進社會個案工作的服務技能,以及透過與督導討論、模擬案主的回饋與同儕合作相互激勵,提升學習成效。
Standardized patients have been applied in medical education training for ages. However, the teaching method is just been adopted in social work education recently. The research examined the learning effect in apply the teaching method of simulated clients for social work department students. The research invited ten simulated clients whom role play by social workers. Fifty-one social work department students were randomly divided into ten groups. The research conducted six simulated clients' teaching. Each simulated clients' teaching finished, it would be continued group supervision, assess and discussion. It really helped to enhance students the ability of insight, empathy, team work and social work practical skills. From these experiences, students have learned and understood clients' individual and differences. Also, they realized the flexibility and diversity in the process of social casework. Through questionnaire surveys and feedbacks, it demonstrated that students accepted and recognized the teaching method of simulated clients. Their feedbacks disclosed the method provided opportunities and experiences to integrate theory and practice. Through lecturer's supervisions, simulated clients' feedbacks, group's discussions and team's collaborations, students' learning experiences are developed effectively. They are improving their professional skills in social service and social casework.
起訖頁 87-117
關鍵詞 模擬案主社會個案工作教學方法標準病人Simulated clientsSocial caseworkTeaching methodStandardized patients
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201606 (16期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 社區銀髮志工從事志願服務活動之動機與機會研究:以長庚養生文化村為例
該期刊-下一篇 家庭暴力家事調解服務之經驗與策略--以台北、士林地方法院為例




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