臺灣社會工作學刊 Taiwanese Social Work |
201007 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 政策風暴下的視障按摩社群:社群能力建構歷程的觀察 The Community Capacity Building Process of Massage Worker Community in Response to the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 649-An Observation
- 社工督導功能期待與實踐落差研究--比較督導與被督者之觀點:以公部門家暴防治社工為例 The Gap between Ideal Social Work Supervision and Practice: Differing Supervisor and Supervisee Perspectives at Public Domestic Violence Prevention Centers
- 社會工作人員遭受暴力威脅之經驗:以家庭暴力防治工作為例 Social Workers' Experience of Violence Threats: Taking the Domestic Violence Prevention as an Example
- 多元需求個案之處遇:兼論兒童青少年心理衛生社工專業 Case Report and the Development of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Social Work