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Social Workers' Experience of Violence Threats: Taking the Domestic Violence Prevention as an Example
作者 蔡佳容潘淑滿
Social workers confront clients violence or relative others' threats in practice for a long time, but the conditions often be neglected under many factors. In recent years, social workers are concerned about their rights and the issue be paid attention in the same time, however, the most quantitative researches are so difficult to display the threaten experience of social workers. For the reason, the researcher interviewed six social workers who think themselves had been threaten or attacked by clients or relative others through in-depth interview method, in order to undezstand the domestic violence social workers' experiences of confronting violence threats, the influence and the coping strategies. The research discovers that there are two participants serve in government, and others be engaged in NGO. The average of working seniority is 6.75 years. Among all participants, one of them have experienced that the batterers provoked by eyes, another suffered from physical attack directly, and others experienced non-verbal threats. The progress of the experience could divide into four stages: occurring, influencing, coping and changing. After experiencing the threats, the fear feelings and the huge shock often continue for a period of time. A part of social workers even think about if they would be engaged in social work. However the most social workers could change their negative experience into positive one, go so far as to devote them into something, just like the promise of professional, the empathy for the clients, the sensitivity of dangerous and the ability to deal with the violence.
起訖頁 85-129
關鍵詞 暴力威脅人身安全家庭暴力防治工作案主加害人violenceworker safetydomestic violence preventionclientsbatterers
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201007 (9期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 社工督導功能期待與實踐落差研究--比較督導與被督者之觀點:以公部門家暴防治社工為例
該期刊-下一篇 多元需求個案之處遇:兼論兒童青少年心理衛生社工專業




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