產業導向工業安全管理教材之發展 The Development of Industry-Oriented Teaching Materials for Industrial Safety Management
烹飪油煙對男性餐館業勞工脂質過氧化傷害指標影響評估研究 Biomarkers of Lipid Peroxidation of Exposure to Cooking Oil Fumes on Male Restaurant Workers
Bolus 呼吸道微粒沉積測試系統的建置與比對測試 Establishment a Precision Aerosol Bolus Injection System for Regional Lung Deposition Studies
可爬階梯重物搬運機之設計與製作 Design and Implementation of Stair-climbers for Material Handling
碎石工廠職業衛生評估調查 Assessment of Occupational Health for Stone-crushing Manufacturers
海軍志願役潛水士官(兵)「工作價值觀」與「工作滿意度」之研究 Research of “ Values of Working ” and “ Satisfaction of Job ” of Navy Volunteer Military Diving Non-commissioned Officers (Soldiers)
職業安全衛生職業災害罪之刑事判決與案例分析 An Analysis on Criminal Judgments and Cases of Occupational Safety and Health Disaster Crime