清華學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201906 (49:2期)期所有篇 |
- 從若干字詞用法談清華簡《繫年》的作者及文本構成 A Linguistic Analysis of the Author and Text Formation of Xinian on the Bamboo Slips Collected by Tsinghua University
- 倫理與美學的雙環迴中:《孟》、《莊》在當代的修養與批判 The Twofold Loop of Ethics and Aesthetics: Contemporary Cultivation and Criticism of the Mencius and the Zhuangzi
- 「內在他者」——論莊子思想中「生命的有限性」與「實踐的可能性」 The Internal Other: Zhuangzi's Thoughts on the Relationship between the Limitations of Life and the Possibilities of Practice
- 法祖講學:明中後期《高皇帝御製文集》刊行及其意義 Modeling the Ancestors and Discoursing on Learning: The Publication of Ming Taizu's Literary Collection–the Gao huangdi yuzhi wenji–and Its Significance from the Mid to Late Ming
- 細說宜蘭漳州腔hun^(55[33])su^(55)的成因及其相關議題 On the Derivation of hun^(55[33]) su^(55) in the Yilan Zhangzhou Dialect and Its Related Issues