清華學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201903 (49:1期)期所有篇 |
- 《孟子》中的「命」觀念 The Concept of Ming in the Mengzi
- 以《莊子》論身體運動與生活工夫的弔詭:以「庖丁解牛」為例 Bodily Movement and the Paradoxes of Life Cultivation in the Zhuangzi: Taking the Cook Pao Ding as an Example
- 論方回《瀛奎律髓》對「江西詩派」的再建構 Yingkui Lüsui and the Reconstruction of the Jiangxi School of Poetry
- 從羅欽順、王廷相及劉宗周論明代氣學的思想型態 Ming Dynasty Qi Learning in the Philosophies of Luo Qinshun, Wang Tingxiang and Liu Zongzhou
- 牟宗三哲學中的具體的普遍 The Concrete Universal in Mou Zongsan's Philosophy
- 互為東西──德法學者視野下的也斯、香港文學與中國現代文學 Shuttling Between East and West: Ye Si, Hong Kong Literature, and Modern Chinese Literature from the Perspectives of German and French Scholars