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Bodily Movement and the Paradoxes of Life Cultivation in the Zhuangzi: Taking the Cook Pao Ding as an Example
作者 宋灝
針對當代歐洲思維對「返乎本」、自我關懷、自我轉化等議題的關注,本文採取一條跨文化思考的路徑,探索《莊子》一書對此問題意識的啟發。圍繞身體運動為主軸,首先將《莊子》中「反己」回溯至身體活動,並彰顯內在於「反己」的悖論狀態。再來,詳細分析〈養生主〉篇中庖丁言「進乎技之道」作為一種落實於身體運動上的自我轉化,重點是內在於身體運動、生活時間而發生的「逆轉收回」。為了揭示時間性弔詭,本文參考海德格後期思想對運動現象的啟發。至於結論,若由一個跨文化視角來看歐洲哲學上「返乎本」這個典範,便可以脫離傳統形上學脈絡,而落實在生活活動的時間性,形成一種當代倫理學典範,一種逆轉收回式的生活工夫。 Contemporary European thought has become particularly interested in the ancient theme of a “return to the origin” under headings such as self-concern and selftransformation. This article follows a transcultural path of thinking, investigating the Zhuangzi 莊子 with respect to this question. Focusing on bodily movement, it examines how the notion of a “return to the self” from the Zhuangzi is related to bodily activities, and shows its intrinsic paradoxical structure. It then analyzes cook Pao Ding's 庖丁 “way beyond technique” as a means of self-transformation through bodily movement, arguing that his motion represents a kind of “reverting and taking back” into the movement or even into “life-time” itself. Finally, Heidegger's thought on the phenomena of motion is consulted briefly in order to explain the paradox inherent in temporality. The goal of this article is thus to show how the ancient European paradigm of a “return to the origin” may, by the bias of a transcultural reflection, dispense with metaphysics, and form instead a contemporary ethical paradigm rooted in “life-time” itself, i.e. a kind of life exercise directed at reverting and taking back.
起訖頁 25-47
關鍵詞 《莊子》庖丁身體運動時間弔詭修養工夫Zhuangzi莊子Pao Ding庖丁bodily movementthe paradox of timeself-cultivation
刊名 清華學報  
期數 201903 (49:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 《孟子》中的「命」觀念
該期刊-下一篇 論方回《瀛奎律髓》對「江西詩派」的再建構




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