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The Concrete Universal in Mou Zongsan's Philosophy
作者 史偉民
「具體的普遍」是牟宗三(1909-1995)哲學方法中的重要概念,牟宗三在形上學、倫理學與歷史哲學的脈絡中使用此一概念。對牟宗三而言,具體的普遍性是作為精神實體的本心的性質。本心是普遍的,因為它是應對個別情境、發動道德行為的能力;它是具體的,因為作為能力,它只對於個別情境的應對中,才有確定的內容。然而牟宗三也因為每一個人各自以不同的方式與程度表現本心,稱之為具體的普遍。本心為具體的普遍的觀念,植基於牟宗三的道德的形上學,並蘊涵了一個特殊的道德行動的主張。 The “concrete universal” is a key concept in Mou Zongsan's 牟宗三 (1909- 1995) philosophy. Mou makes use of this concept in his metaphysics, ethics and philosophy of history. According to Mou, concrete universality is an attribute of the original heart as a spiritual substance. The original heart is universal since it is the faculty that initiates moral actions in response to individual situations. It is concrete in that it has a determinate content only in its response to a given situation. However, Mou also characterizes the original heart as a concrete universal because every individual person displays the original heart in his own way and in a different degree. Rooted in Mou's moral metaphysics, the idea that the original heart is a concrete universal implies a specific doctrine of moral action.
起訖頁 125-149
關鍵詞 牟宗三具體的普遍本心道德的形上學道德行動Mou Zongsan牟宗三the concrete universalthe original heartmoral metaphysicsmoral action
刊名 清華學報  
期數 201903 (49:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 從羅欽順、王廷相及劉宗周論明代氣學的思想型態
該期刊-下一篇 互為東西──德法學者視野下的也斯、香港文學與中國現代文學




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