清華學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
200906 (39:2期)期所有篇 |
- s-開頭引起的轉語支調階變換 Initial s-Actuated Register Shift inYipoic Languages
- 臺灣道法二門道壇建醮文檢研究——以基隆廣遠壇乙酉年松山慈惠堂七朝醮典演法為例 A Study of the Communal Chiao Ritual Documents of the School of PracticÏng Both Daoism and ExorcÏsm in Taiwan: A Seven-day Chiao Ceremony Performed by the Keelung Guangyuan Altar for Songshan Cihui Temple in 2005
- 聖人敘事與神聖典範:《史記‧孔子世家》析論 A Saint Narrative and a Sacred Paradigm: The Hereditary House of Confucius in the Records of the Grand Historiαn
- 欲望「主體」與精神殘渣:對《兄弟》的心理—政治解讀 The Subject of Desire and Spiritual Residue: A Psychopolitical Reading of Yu Hua's Brothers
- 唐至北宋時期的大祀、中祀和小祀 The System of Major, Medium and Minor Sacrifices During the Tang and Northern Song Dynasties