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The Subject of Desire and Spiritual Residue: A Psychopolitical Reading of Yu Hua's Brothers
作者 楊小濱
This paper discusses Yu Hua's Brothers, a novel set against the background of the Cultural Revolution and the present. In light of Lacan's theory of the barred subject, this paper examines how an ironic historical narrative is formed by the filling out of objet petit a during the process of subjectification. In Brothers, the filling out is done through looking voyeuristically at the femal behind. This paper analyzes how objet petit a, which cannot become the true object of desire, serves as the void in the Symbolic order surrounded by desire, and how trauma, in relation to the master-signifier, reflects the violent assault by sociohistorical modernity. This paper also places Brothers in the historical context of the modern Chinese Bildungsroman and reveals the disintegration of grand historical subjectivity. It attempts to probe how an ironic narrative concerning recent history reveals both the residues of the Lacanian Real that cannot be concealed or assimilated by the sacred Symbolic order, as well as the split subject as breakdown of the modern subject.
起訖頁 261-285
關鍵詞 余華《兄弟》小他物成長小說創傷主體性Yu HuaBrothersobjet petit aBildungsromantraumasubjectivity
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200906 (39:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 聖人敘事與神聖典範:《史記‧孔子世家》析論
該期刊-下一篇 唐至北宋時期的大祀、中祀和小祀




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