《蘇州河》,城市記憶,和觸感電影 Suzhou River, Urban Memory, and a Tactile Cinema
女性的鏡界:歷史,性別,和主體建構--兼論馬曉潁的《世界上最疼我的那個人去了》 The Female Cinematic Imaginary: History, Subjectivity, and Ma Xiaoying’s Gone Is the One Who Held Me Dearest in the World
從鮑威爾看《英雄》與《羅生門》的敘事結構 On Bordwell's Narratology: A Case Study of Hero and Rashomon
殖民地的隱喻:以佐藤春夫的臺灣旅行書寫為中心 The Metaphor of the Colony: A Case Study of Satou Haruo's Travel Writings in Taiwan
跨族群翻譯與歷史書寫:以李昂〈彩妝血祭〉與賴香吟〈翻譯者〉為例 Cross-Ethnic Translation and Historiography: The Instances of Li Ang's "Rouged Sacrifice" and Lai Hsiang-yin's "The Translator"
靈異先行:解構與多異/譯/憶的單語主義 Echoes from Elsewhere: Deconstruction and Monolinguism of the Other