華語文教學研究 Journal of Chinese Language Teaching |
202303 (20:1期)期所有篇 |
- 「小偷」不小,「大盜」何以稱大──兼談詞彙理據及教學啟示 Why Is Xiaotou Small and Dadao Big--Concurrent Discussion on the Pedagogical Value of Lexical Motivation
- 基於華語學習者語料庫之疑問詞「怎麼(樣)」偏誤分析 Corpus-based Analysis of Chinese Language Learners’ Errors in Using the “zenme(yang)” Wh-word
- 越南平聲變體與越南學生華語聲調偏誤之相關性探討 Correlation Between Variations of Vietnamese Tone Ngang and Mandarin Tone Errors by Vietnamese Learners
- 網路語言交換在中高級漢語課的實踐與反思 Heritage and CFL Learners’ Needs and Experiences in Virtual Exchange at Intermediate to Advanced Levels