文資學報 Journal of Culture Resources |
201612 (10期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣在地化社區營造與文化創意產業政策與發展 The Analysis of Local Comprehensive Community Development and Cultural and Creative Industries Policies in Taiwan
- 創意街區、飲食文化與都市再生:臺北市大稻埕迪化街美食地景與文創轉向 Creative blocks, gastronomy and urban regeneration: The Formation of Landscape of Gastronomy and Cultural Creative Industries in Dadaocheng in Taipei City
- 日韓無形文化遺產國家制度的成立--體系與機制之知識與社會因素 The Establishment of the National Protection Regulations of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Japan and Korea: the System and its Cultural Skill, and the Knowledge and Social Impact
- 從「參拜」到「參觀」:以「類博物館」式導覽之觀眾經驗探討宗教類文化資產教育推廣模式 From Worship to Visitation: The Promotion of Religious Cultural Heritage Education, Based on Visitor Experience of Quasi-Museum Guide