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From Worship to Visitation: The Promotion of Religious Cultural Heritage Education, Based on Visitor Experience of Quasi-Museum Guide
作者 邱于庭
廟宇的建築與裝飾藝術本身即為文化資產的一環。若文化藝術的視角觀之,將會有更多的收穫與啟發。類博物館式文資導覽是涵蓋觀眾對於文化資產的認同與觀念啟發的教育課程或活動。本文以廟宇裝飾藝術為切入點,在既有的文資導覽中,引入「類博物館」概念,並舉辦「類博物館」式的廟宇裝飾藝術導覽。使用紙本DM 輔助觀眾接收,透過觀眾回饋與建議,由筆者評估觀眾期待的內容,提出一種不同的文資導覽模式,讓傳統藝術的美學,重新活化進入現代生活。研究成果顯示:1.在文化觀光的趨勢下,「類博物館」從博物館的範疇開始被提出討論,但有意識的用類博物館之概念導覽宗教類文資,本研究是具實驗性質的第一次,以本文為例,廟宇裝飾藝術是個良好的切入點。2.觀眾回饋統計,78.6%的觀眾認為本次活動體驗,與以往的文資推廣經驗有所不同;用類博物館概念,解說廟宇裝飾藝術,有93%觀眾感到滿意;有88.6%的民眾認為,未來希望台灣其他的廟宇都能有此服務。3.藉由類博物館式的文資導覽活動,能持續招攬多樣化動機的觀眾參與。從經費考量上,此模式複製成本低廉,若未來能於文資教育推廣,善加運用類博物館式的導覽方式,具推廣效益。
The structure and decorative arts of a temple is in itself part of our cultural heritage, and can become a source of benefit and inspiration if seen from a cultural and artistic standpoint. The cultural Quasi-Museum guide is a form of educational course (or activity) involving visitor’s identification and understanding of the cultural heritage. This study uses decorative arts of a temple as its entry point, introducing the concept of Quasi-Museum into the pre-existing cultural guide, creating a Quasi-Museum form of artistic guide for the temple’s decorative arts, using hard-copy DM to help audience understand and learn their feedbacks and suggestions, allowing researchers to propose a new form of cultural guide based on visitor expectations, revitalizing and reintroducing the aesthetics of traditional arts into our modern lives. Results of the study show that: 1. Under the current trend of cultural tourism, Quasi-Museum starts to generate discussions in the field of museum studies, but this study is the first experiment to consciously introduce religious cultural assets based on the concept of Quasi-Museum, and has shown that decorative arts at a temple can be an excellent entry point. 2. Based on visitors’ feedbacks, 78.6% of visitors feel that this tour is different from previous cultural promotional activities; the introduction of temple’s decorative arts based on the Quasi-Museum concept achieves a 93% of visitor satisfaction rate, with 88.6% of visitors expressing a desire to have this kind of tour at other temples around Taiwan. 3. Quasi-Museum guide for cultural heritage can continue to attract visitors with different interests. From a budgetary standpoint, the concept is easy to replicate, and can be beneficial to implement the Quasi-Museum guide within the promotion of culture heritage education.
起訖頁 97-130
關鍵詞 導覽文資教育廟宇類博物館觀眾研究GuideCulture Heritage EducationTempleQuasi-MuseumVisitor Studies
刊名 文資學報  
期數 201612 (10期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 日韓無形文化遺產國家制度的成立--體系與機制之知識與社會因素




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