科學教育月刊 Science Education Monthly |
202205 (448期)期所有篇 |
- TIMSS 2015結論與建議 Conclusion and future study in TIMSS 2015
- 從拉格朗日力學來分析太陽系內的天體軌跡 Analyzing celestial body trajectory in the solar system by Lagrange equation
- 以新增數據點(0,?)及逆推均差運算列表法直取多項式函數(下) Directly getting the polynomial function by adding new data point(0,?)and doing reverse divided difference operation listing(II)
- 解構我的「比與比值」教學 Deconstruction of my''Ratio and Proportion''teaching
- 2018年第十五屆國際國中科學奧林匹亞競賽──理論題試題 Theory questions of the 15^(th)International Junior Science Olympiad in 2018
- 中學生通訊解題第140期題目參考解答及評註 The solutions for reference and analysis to the questions of the 140^(th)issue of high school mathematics through communication