臺大文史哲學報 Humanitas Taiwanica |
202205 (97期)期所有篇 |
- 入世之難,知孔深也──以《莊子‧人間世》重探莊子「知孔」 Quandaries between the Issues of Worldliness and the Profoundness of Confucius - Re-visiting the Conception of Zhuangzi's ''Knowing Confucius'' from ''In the World of Men,'' the Zhuangzi
- 圓光寺中的光圓追尋:本際法師來臺前期的詩歌論析 Pursuing Promising and Satisfactory Ideal at the Yuan Kuang Monastery: A Study of Master Benji's Poetry during his Early Period of Residency in Taiwan
- 中日反啟蒙連結:論蔡元培對井上圓了學說的接受 The Counter-Enlightenment Connection between China and Japan: Cai Yuanpei's Reception of Inoue Enryō's Works
- 論曾天從對胡塞爾的「意向相關物」的批判 On Zeng Tian-zong's Critique of Husserl's ''Intentional Correlates''
- 人書之際,本末之辨:趙壹《非草書》論技藝與人的限度 The Borderline between the Human and the Calligraphy, and the Distinction between the Fundamentals and the Ancillaries: Techniques and Human Limits in Zhao Yi's Against Cursive Calligraphy