弋陽腔及其流派考述 A Study on the Yiyang Opera and Its Later Divisions
清代廢園書寫的園林反省與歷史意義 Reflections on the Gardens and the Historical Meanings of Writings on Derelict Gardens in the Qing Dynasty
「易屍還魂」的變調――論魯迅小說人物的體格、精神與民族身分 The Shift of “Bartering the Body for the Soul”: The Physique, Spirit, and National Identity of Characters in Lu Xun’s Novels
〈金鎖記〉與《怨女》比較研究 A Comparative Study of “Golden Lock Notes” and A Grumbling Maid
光復初期(1945-50)的民族情感與省籍衝突――從臺灣大學的接收改制做觀察 The Dispute between Mainland Presidents and Native Intellectuals at NTU in the Early Retrocession Period (1945-50)