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Reflections on the Gardens and the Historical Meanings of Writings on Derelict Gardens in the Qing Dynasty
作者 侯迺慧
The Garden Literature of the Qing dynasty generally follows the content, style and features of traditional garden literature, while at the same time adding unique modes of expression, among which writings on derelict gardens is the most distinguished. Following the great prosperity of the Song and Ming dynasties, a large corpus of poetry and literary works written on derelict gardens began to appear in the Qing dynasty. This paper first explains the phenomenon of leisure activities undertaken in the derelict gardens often seen in the Qing dynasty, and then analyzes the reasons why derelict gardens were visited. Based on this background, the physical outlook in derelict garden writings is discussed for a reflection on the corresponding relationships between the key elements of the garden, nature and humanity. Furthermore, the sentimental themes in these writings are analyzed, and the philosophic theories and the structure of the theme of recalling antiquity are explained. This paper further investigates and analyzes the strong derelict consciousness often expressed in the garden literature of the time. Evers when a garden was at peak, the literati often would anticipate its future dilapidation. They took great pains to record the history of the gardens and the process of dilapidation, revealing the latent feelings of impermanence and of the derelict consciousness in the literati of the Qing dynasty. Finally the paper summarizes the meanings implied by derelict garden writing, including the conscious reflections on the essential meaning of the gardens, and the historical meanings of the development of the gardens.
起訖頁 73-112
關鍵詞 清代園林廢園園林文學懷古Qing dynastygardensderelict gardensgarden literaturerecalling antiquity
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200611 (65期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 弋陽腔及其流派考述
該期刊-下一篇 「易屍還魂」的變調――論魯迅小說人物的體格、精神與民族身分




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