設計學報 Journal of Design |
202406 (29:2期)期所有篇 |
- 從高被引設計論文探討設計趨勢──以TCI-HSS兩篇高被引期刊論文為例 Exploring Design Trends through Highly Cited Design Papers: A Case Study on Two Highly Cited Journal Articles in TCI-HSS
- 電腦輔助彩妝設計之教學模式研究 Applying Computer Graphic Design Software in a Computer-Assisted Instruction Teaching Model of Makeup Design
- 視覺提示呈現方式和輔助說明視覺設計對360°全景線上虛擬展覽之介面使用性研究 Usability Study on the Visual Cue Presentation and Annotated Visual Design of the User Interface of 360°Panoramic Online Virtual Exhibition