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Applying Computer Graphic Design Software in a Computer-Assisted Instruction Teaching Model of Makeup Design
This study aims at the problems faced by the traditional teaching of hand-drawings makeup design such as low effectiveness and modifiability, and tries to solve the problems with application of computer-assisted instruction. The research includes 3 parts of analysis and comparison: 1. Give the students a hand drawing practice of the Level B Beauty Technician Certificate examination template and then followed by the computer graphic drawing practice. Students will be informed of the Rubrics criteria, and then a quantitative comparison and analysis of the difference between the hand drawing works and the computer graphic works will be given after classes; 2. Use computer graphics to draw thematic design works, and experts are invited to analyze and evaluate the results of works being scored by experts which from the main aspects of the assessment form including ''theme, composition, color, creativity, skills and overall performance.'' 3. Use the methods of learning effectiveness evaluation surveys and semi-structured interviews to analyze the differences in the students' learning effectiveness after learning computer graphics. The research objects are college students majoring in Applied Cosmetology. The results of the study show that the mirror function and color transformation can best meet the students' needs for makeup symmetry and drawing speed and then improve the overall learning effectiveness of the students. In addition, the theme-based design of makeup design diagrams also effectively enhanced students' interest in learning, and encouraged them to do more graphic designs and present more complete and diverse works. According to the evaluation results, the highest score components are ''theme'' and ''composition''. It shows that the students have excellent performance in elaborating the theme atmosphere and fully expressing the theme. The results of this study is helpful to improve students' learning of interdisciplinary professional skills and to obtain better learning effectiveness of makeup design.
起訖頁 25-47
關鍵詞 彩妝設計電腦輔助教學學習成效Makeup DesignComputer-Assisted InstructionLearning Effectiveness
刊名 設計學報  
期數 202406 (29:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 從高被引設計論文探討設計趨勢──以TCI-HSS兩篇高被引期刊論文為例
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