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Usability Study on the Visual Cue Presentation and Annotated Visual Design of the User Interface of 360°Panoramic Online Virtual Exhibition
自新型冠狀病毒(Covid-19)疫情爆發以來,全世界的實體展覽受到前所未有挑戰。然而,線上虛擬展覽打破了時間和空間的限制,為參觀者創造了全新的互動方式。近年來,線上設計作品展覽已經成為線上教育非常重要的資源和趨勢。不過目前以360°全景線上虛擬展覽之介面使用性研究仍然缺乏,本研究旨在探討360°全景線上虛擬展覽介面之視覺提示、輔助說明背景透明度和輔助說明背景顯示模式三個研究變項,調查使用者視覺搜索的客觀績效與主觀感受影響。實驗採用便利抽樣方式邀請72位受測者進行2(靜態、動態)×2(透明度為0%、透明度為25%)×2(正極性、負極性)受測者間(between-subjects)實驗設計,採用三因子變異數分析(three-way ANOVA)。結果發現:(1)在與360°全景線上虛擬展覽介面互動過程中,動態提示能提昇使用者的視覺搜索表現和主觀偏好程度。(2)輔助說明背景顯示模式影響使用者的視覺搜索表現,在感知資訊位置和資訊比較的任務中,黑底白字的輔助說明視覺呈現具有更好的操作表現。(3)當視覺提示為靜態呈現時,使用者在輔助說明背景透明度為25%的視覺搜索表現較好;但,當視覺提示為動態呈現時候,使用者在不透明背景的輔助說明下視覺搜索表現更佳。(4)當視覺提示為靜態呈現時候,負極性(黑底白字)的輔助說明背景對使用者視覺搜索表現較好;當在視覺提示為動態呈現時候結果卻相反。(5)使用者更偏好的輔助說明背景透明度為25%。本研究的結果能夠幫助提昇參觀者在360°全景線上虛擬展覽中的視覺搜索成效和使用者經驗,並能夠為使用者在行動設備上觀看360°全景線上虛擬展覽介面視覺設計實務提供參考依據。
During the Covid-19 epidemic, offline exhibitions worldwide were challenged like never before. In the post-epidemic era, online virtual exhibitions in 360°panoramas have broken the limitations of time and space, creating a new way of user experience for users. Online design works exhibition has become a vital resource and trend for online education. However, there is a lack of research on the usability of the interface of 360°panoramic online virtual exhibitions. This study aims to investigate the effects of three visual variables, namely visual cues, annotation background transparency, and background display mode, on the objective performance and subjective perception of users' visual search in the 360°panoramic online virtual exhibition interface. A convenience sampling method was used to invite 72 participants to conduct a 2 (static, dynamic)×2 (0% transparency, 25% transparency)×2 (positive polarity, negative polarity) between-subjects design, and the data collected were analyzed by a three-way ANOVA. The results showed that: (1) During the interaction with the 360°panorama online virtual exhibition interface, the dynamic blinking cue may promote the user's visual search performance and subjective preference; (2) The annotation background display mode affects the user's visual search performance, and in the task of perceived information location and information comparison, the annotation visual presentation with white characters on a black background has better interactive performance; (3)When the visual cue is static presentation, the user visual search performance is better for the annotated background with 25% transparency; on the contrary, when the visual cue is dynamic presentation, the user visual search performance is better for the annotated opaque background; (4) When the visual cue is static presentation, the user visual search performance is better for the annotated background with negative polarity (white text on black background); when the visual cue is dynamic presentation, the result is the opposite. (5) Users preferred the annotation background transparency of 25% for visual search. The results of this study can help improve the visual search performance and user experience of visitors in online virtual exhibitions with 360°panoramas. The findings generated from the research can provide a reference for the visual design practice of online virtual exhibition interfaces for viewing 360°panoramas on mobile devices.
起訖頁 49-72
關鍵詞 虛擬展覽360°全景視覺提示透明度顯示模式使用者經驗Virtual Exhibition (VE)360°PanoramaVisual CueTransparencyDisplay Mode
刊名 設計學報  
期數 202406 (29:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 電腦輔助彩妝設計之教學模式研究




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