資訊社會研究 Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
201301 (24期)期所有篇
網路親密關係中的自我揭露 Self-Disclosure in Online Intimate Relationships
從Luhmann的系統理論看行動通訊中App的自我生產系統 The Self-Production of the App System from the perspective of Luhmann's Systems Theory
網際網路時代的非營利組織研究--實證研究的文獻檢視 Nonprofit Organizations in the Era of Cyberspace: A Literature Review of Empirical Studies
我國博碩士論文不當引用與剽竊型態之研究:以「科技接受模式」相關論文之文獻探討為例 An Exploration of Improper Citations and Plagiarism Patterns of Theses and Dissertations inTaiwan: Taking the 'Review of Literatures'As Examples