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An Exploration of Improper Citations and Plagiarism Patterns of Theses and Dissertations inTaiwan: Taking the 'Review of Literatures'As Examples
作者 陳祥楊純青黃伸閔
Plagiarism, one of the academic integrity behaviors occurring on higher education campus, becomes more serious with the aid of newer technology and possible downloading of the digitalization of academic papers. Therefore, it is worth to look into the plagiarism patterms in the section of literature review in graduate students' theses. Based on the theory of Davis' Technology Acceptance Model as the example, this article analizes how plagiarism has been disseminated between theses and theses over time and what kinds of plagiarism patterms have been formed. Results indicates: 1. improper citations from previous theses' literature review is the main pattern of the inter-theses plagiarism. 2. the errors occurring in previous theses is inheireted to latter theses due to the pattern of improperly direct citation of plagiarism. 3. whole theses downloading propels the plagiarism motivation and creates the reciprocal phenomenon. Recommendations are proposed as following: 1. Ministry of Education shall emphasize academic integrity throughout all the schooling phases; 2. Ministry of Education shall essentially support Taiwan's universities and colleges to develop anti-plagiarism technics or software to cope the problem; 3.Universities and colleges should respond to the academic dishonest behaviors, with re-education or punishment, by the specific conditions of every case.
起訖頁 74-119
關鍵詞 合理使用合理引用學術倫理學術正直剽竊Academic ethicsAcademic integrityPlagiarismReasonable useReasonable citations
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201301 (24期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 網際網路時代的非營利組織研究--實證研究的文獻檢視




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