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Self-Disclosure in Online Intimate Relationships
作者 谷玲玲
This study examined self-disclosure in online intimate relationships. An online survey was administered to explore the dimensions of self-disclosure, and in-depth interviews were conducted to further understand how people disclosed private information about themselves to establish and/or maintain online relationships and how self-disclosure could affect online relationships. The survey results showed that self-disclosure was a multidimensional concept. The respondents disclosed information related to privacy more often than information related to past love affairs. Self-disclosure increased trust and respect, but was not related to privacy. There were no sex differences in self -disclosure. The in-depth interviews suggested that the content of self -disclosure varied according to the various stages of the online relationships. Lack of self-disclosure was considered a form of disclosure. Disclosure is also related to the mode of communication. The interviewees tended to maintain relationships by using various communication modes. Future studies can view self-disclosure as a personality trait and explore the differences of communication modes in self-disclosure. In addition, future studies can view self-disclosure as an interaction process and examine the establishment, maintenance, and dissolution of online relationships.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 網路親密關係網路關係自我揭露信任感Online intimate relationshipOnline relationshipSelf-disclosureTrust
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201301 (24期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 從Luhmann的系統理論看行動通訊中App的自我生產系統




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