勞資關係論叢 Journal of Labor Studies |
199405 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 工作滿足相關因素之探討--以臺北市定額僱用殘障員工為例 The Correlates of Work Satisfaction: An Example of the Compulsorily Employed Handicapped Workers in Taipei
- 公營事業民營化員工權益補償方式的評估與建議 Assessment and Recommendation of the Employess Compensation Plan While Privatizing the State-owned Enterprises
- 形式的預言:國營事業工會勞動三權之研究(1984~1990) The Prophecy of Form: The Study of Three Labor Rights of Public-enterprises Unions in Taiwan (1984-1990)
- 勞工議題進入政府議程之策略 How Labor Places Issues on the Governmental Agenda
- 臺灣企業人力資源發展 Corporate HRD Practices in Taiwan, Republic of China
- 國際間的生產力差異:工會能否提供一個合理的詮釋? International Productivity Differences: Can Trade Unionism Explain Them?