極大化平滑度與精確度之利率期限結構估計 Estimating the Term Structure of Interest Rates with Maximum Smoothness and Accuracy
國際轉撥計價決策架構與績效評估之研究--臺灣多國籍企業之實證分析 The Research of International Transfer Pricing Decision and Performance-Empirical Analysis of Taiwan Multi-National Corporations
受稅率影響之異常財務盈餘與公司價值之關係 A Study of the Impact of Abnormal Financial Earnings on Firm Value: A Perspective of After-tax Valuation
中國大陸臺資企業國際化人力資源管理策略之研究--標準化策略∕本土化策略之實證分析 International Human Resource Strategy in Taiwan-Invested Enterprises in Mainland China: Standardization versus Localization
工作適性的組織、群體及職務層次對工作滿意的同時效果--以臺灣旅館業餐飲部員工為例 The Simultaneous Effects of Fit with Organizations, Groups, and Jobs on Job Satisfaction: A Case Involving the Food and Beverage Employees of the Hotel Industry in Taiwan