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The Simultaneous Effects of Fit with Organizations, Groups, and Jobs on Job Satisfaction: A Case Involving the Food and Beverage Employees of the Hotel Industry in Taiwan
作者 黃培文
Studies have shown that person-organization (PO) fit and person-job (PJ) fit will affect an individual’s work attitude. In addition, person-group (PG) fit has commonly been reported as a determinant to job satisfaction. This study examined if a directional relation exists among PO, PG and PJ fit and their impacts on job satisfaction. The participants in this study are food & beverage employees in the hotel industry in Taiwan. The valid returned questionnaire sample was 340. The Spearman Correlation was used to analyze the fitness between the person and each level of environment. Multiple Regression was used to analyze the impact of each level of fit on job satisfaction. The findings showed that the higher the PO, PG and PJ fit, the higher the job satisfaction. Moreover, employees tradeoff different levels of fit in determining their job attitude. That is to say, PO, PO and PJ fit have independent and interactive impacts on job satisfaction.
起訖頁 465-497
關鍵詞 工作適性Job congruence工作滿意Job satisfaction
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 200706 (15:2期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 中國大陸臺資企業國際化人力資源管理策略之研究--標準化策略∕本土化策略之實證分析




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