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中山管理評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

International Human Resource Strategy in Taiwan-Invested Enterprises in Mainland China: Standardization versus Localization
作者 諸承明余坤東胡秀華
Due to advantage in cheaper labor cost, geographic convenience, and language & cultural similarity; Mainland China has became the most popular and primary area of Taiwan enterprises foreign investment. Continuous growing in globalization, Taiwan enterprises are also facing ~n ever complicated international HR management issues and problems. Especially when a subsidiary in Mainland China has grown to certain extent, enterprises must seriously reconsider the position and the role of the foreign subsidiary for the future. This research, which is based on the survey and data from 103 Taiwan large size enterprises with foreign subsidiaries in Mainland China, summaries the following conclusions. First, in international HR management strategy, the result showed that HR management style has moved toward localization. Second, there was a significant positive correlation between overall global efficiency and HR management standardization, it meant that when enterprises emphasize and focus more on its global efficiency, the HR management style also moved further toward standardization strategy. Finally, this research demonstrated that there were also significant differences in compatibility of various HR management functions. Among all, education and training showed the highest compatibility, and its standardization and localization can be integrated efficiently, but employee benefit and compensation had the lowest compatibility.
起訖頁 433-463
關鍵詞 國際化人力資源管理策略International human resource strategy標準化策略Standardization本土化策略Localization派駐人員Expatriates當地人員Local personnel
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 200706 (15:2期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 受稅率影響之異常財務盈餘與公司價值之關係
該期刊-下一篇 工作適性的組織、群體及職務層次對工作滿意的同時效果--以臺灣旅館業餐飲部員工為例




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