體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202106 (54:2期)期所有篇 |
- 幅度推論與運動科學偽真性之探討 Inspection of magnitude-based inference and false-positive results in exercise science studies
- 股直肌肌內效貼紮對女性大專生下肢疲勞後進行急停跳動作的影響 Effect of rectus femoris kinesio taping on female college students during a stop-jump task post-fatigue
- 不同健身策略對女性中高齡者下肢快速力量與速度表現之影響 The effects of three different exercise training techniques on rapid strength and velocity performance in the lower limbs for middle-aged and older women
- 划船機氣壓坐墊對軀幹晃動與核心肌群之影響 Effects on trunk sway and core muscle activity when using a rowing machine with an air seat cushion
- 智慧手環暨綠幣獎勵制度對國中生身體活動和學業成績之影響 The effectiveness of smart fitness trackers and a green coin reward system on promoting physical activity and academic achievement among junior high school students
- 以人境適配觀點探討運動實習生之主管安全支持與工作表現之關係 Person-environment fit: The relationship between leader secure-base support and job performance of sports interns