體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201812 (51:4期)期所有篇 |
- 環境因素與高齡者步行行為之系統性文獻回顧 A systematic review of environmental factors and older adults’ walking behavior
- 短期低氧訓練面罩介入對鐵人三項選手呼吸肌肌力與自行車運動表現之影響 Short-term hypoxic training mask intervention effects on respiratory muscle strength and cycling performance in triathletes
- 足球短距離傳球混入假動作之攔截準確性 The interception accuracy of deceptive short-passing in association football
- 急停垂直跳的下肢力學差異 Comparison biomechanical effect on stop jumping movement in different distance
- 社區應用為導向之中高齡者走路速度檢測距離之研究 A community application-oriented measuring distance for walking speed tests in the middle-aged and older adults
- 頂尖青少年跆拳道選手之身體肢段、生理與心理特徵 Physiological, anthropometric and physcological characteristics of top-level youth taekwondo
- 主動人格、未來工作自我顯著對運動休閒科系大學生職涯規劃之研究─調節式中介機制檢驗 Proactive personality, future work self-salience on sports and leisure college students’ career planning: A moderating mediation model examination
- 定期賽會目的地意象與參與型運動觀光客之行為意圖:地方依賴與地方認同的中介效果 Destination images for recurring sport events and active sport tourist behavioral intentions: The mediating effect of place dependence and place identity
- 臺灣失能女性運動員媒體形象建構 Framing images of disabled female athletes through press media