體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201603 (49:1期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣體育運動科學發展現況與未來趨勢 Current status and future trend for the development of sport and exercise science in Taiwan
- 反覆性離心運動對神經適應與重複訓練效應之影響 Effect of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on neural adaptation and repeated bout effect
- 不同時段從事單次有氧運動對中年婦女二十四小時動態血壓之影響 Time-of-day effect of acute aerobic exercise on 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure in middle-aged women
- 運動正念量表之中文化與修訂 Chinese version of mindfulness inventory for sport: The development and validation
- 機能緊身服飾對長時間跑步時下肢肌肉特性之影響 Effects of compression garment on lower extremity muscle property during running
- 迷妹之謎:死忠女球迷形塑歷程剖析 The myth on female fans: Exploring the process of becoming die-hard female sport fans
- 兩岸籃球的治理:球隊與球員遷徙的案例研究 The governance of basketball across the taiwan strait: The case of migration of the team/players
- 登高望遠:另一種「通過」的詮釋 Climbing up and gazing afar: Through a different way of passing