體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201503 (48:1期)期所有篇 |
- 耐力運動與飲食控制型塑骨骼系統之骨代謝與能量代謝觀 The skeleton modeled by endurance exercise and dietary manipulation: A perspective from the interaction between bone metabolism and energy metabolism
- 不同型態離心運動對脈波傳導速率與脂締素之影響 Effects of different types of eccentric exercise on pulse wave velocity and adiponectin response
- 以小鼠模式探討全身振動訓練對於生理生化表現以及運動疲勞之影響 Investigation of whole-body vibration training on physiological and biochemical characteristics in mice
- 前十字韌帶重建後運動員從事躍起著地動作時下肢關節運動與肌肉活化特徵 Characteristics of lower extremity kinematics and muscle activations in athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction during jumping-landing maneuver
- 多元性運動訓練對社區高齡者功能性體適能之影響 Effects of multi-component exercise training on functional fitness in community-dwelling older adults
- 編製高中運動選手流暢狀態量表-從質性到量化 The development of flow state scale of high school athletes – from qualitative analysis to quantization
- 空氣手槍選手瞄準及心跳率變化與射擊表現之關係 The relationships between aiming, heart rate change and shooting performance in air pistol athletes
- 排球訓練對於視時間知覺之影響 Effects of volleyball training on visual time perception