體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201003 (43:1期)期所有篇 |
- 單次不同振幅全身振動運動對下肢爆發力的影響 The acute effects of different amplitude whole-body vibration on the explosive performance of lower extremities
- 直排輪運動訓練對學童平衡能力及下肢肌耐力之影響 Effects of in-line skating training on balance abilities and lower-extremity muscular endurance in school-age children
- 八週太極拳訓練對老年女性下肢肌力與平衡表現之影響 Effects of 8-wk Tai Chi Chuan training on lower-extremity isokinetic strength and balance performance in older women
- 金融服務業贊助棒球運動之研究--以玉山金控為例 How a financial sponsor managed its baseball sponsorships - In the case of E-Sun Financial Holding Corporation
- 職業運動團隊品牌利益、品牌態度、心理承諾與球迷行為忠誠度關係之研究:以紐約洋基隊為例 A study on the relationships among brand benefits, brand attitude, psychological commitment, and fans' behavioral loyalty for professional sport teams: The case of the New York Yankees
- 我國學校體育行政組織效能指標之建構 The index construction of effectiveness of school physical education administrative organizations in Taiwan
- 從組群概念比較我國全運會與奧運會男子競技體操選手整套動作內容之差異 Compare element groups between National Games and Olympic Games men's artistic gymnast's performance