體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201412 (47:4期)期所有篇 |
- 實驗法的原理及其在運動和體育研究上的運用 Principle of experimental design and its application in sport and physical education research
- 單次運動對間歇性低氧誘發心肌微管相關蛋白1輕鏈3-II的影響 Effects of a single bout of exercise on intermittent hypoxia-induced microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-II expression in rat left ventricle
- 不同運動訓練類型對中老年人骨質密度暨等速肌力之影響 Effects of different types of exercise training on bone mineral density and isokinetic strength in middle-aged and elderly adults
- 不同線徑、穿線磅數羽球線恢復係數與使用者滿意度之研究 A study of different wire diameters and thread pounds badminton strings on coefficients of restitution and user satisfaction
- 有無從事太極拳運動對中老年人下階梯動作型態之比較 The effect of previous Tai Chi experience on movement pattern of stair descent in the middle-aged elderly
- 單指與雙指在自主施力表現之行為與動作電位分析 The analyses of behavioral and movement-related cortical potentials associated with single or two finger(s) voluntary force production
- 以腦波測量來探討身體活動的心理效應:1990年至2014年研究趨勢探析 Exploring the psychological benefits of physical activity via EEG approach: An investigation of research trends since 1990
- 職業運動球迷品牌愛量表之建構 Development of brand love scale of professional sport fans